Avtor: Lea Višić | Mar 28, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Na videoposnetku je predstavljen naš razred 2.A, s katerim smo se udeležili na 10. dramski festival na naši gimnaziji. Poleg drugih razredov smo nastopali tudi mi in si izbrali musical Zlatolaska. Na njem smo nastopili prvič saj je bil lansko leto odpovedan zaradi...
Avtor: Tara Railić | Mar 28, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Beautiful modern achitecture in a small city in Europe Architecture was one of the topics offered on the list. It was the first one that caught my eye, because I really like bigger cities, so I decided to take photographs of the architecture in Ljubljana which...
Avtor: Tara Railić | Mar 28, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Spodaj prikazani videoposnetek oz. vlog je bil ustvarjen pri pouku angleščine v prvem polletju. Je delo vseh treh dijakov in prikazuje promocijo naše...
Avtor: Tara Railić | Mar 26, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
Avtor: Lea Višić | Mar 23, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
REPORT ON: THE VISIT TO THE GALLERY INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to present the gallery of a famous photographer’s work. The photographs, many of which have never been exhibited, reveal the social and political content in which they were taken, published,...
Avtor: Luka Oštir | Mar 23, 2023 | Nekategorizirano
REPORT ON: Robotics in Techno park INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to give feedback on our excursion to the Techno park in Celje. The excursion was organised by our school Gimnazija Jesenice with the purpose of exploring Techno park. The information was...